I know it's been a while....but i hope this was worth the wait. This is a HUGE tutorial. The written tutorial is 25 pages long. You can choose to do the whole project or just do 1/2. This is what i mean. This is the "Connected Cuff" Class. In the cuff alone is 75 feet of weaving wire plus 1/2 round, square and other assorted round sizes for a total of over 100 feet of different gauge wires. It also includes Swarovski Crystals (if doing the full kit), antique copper beads, 1” x 1 1/4” gemstone cabochon (your choice), ring cabochon, headpins, chain and jump rings (your choice, if doing full kit). It's a BIG kit. If you just want to do the cuff with the stone, no problem.....or you can do the whole kit which includes and attached ring design. (or you don't have to attach the ring and just wear it separately) It's made differently then my EYE C U rings.
IF you've been thinking about joining my monthly paid kit club membership now is the time to jump in and receive your free upgrade too. Remember you can cancel your membership within the first 30 days. Try 1 kit, if it's not for you, you can cancel before the 30 day trial is up.
Now back to the newest LIVE/VIDEO class. It will be like the last one. Videos will be on my business page Facebook account. ONLY people who have paid for the class may join My class group. I couldn't teach this class in a studio, the class is too intensive or would take 2 days to teach it. As always there‘ll be a Weave tutorial video. (Including a BRAND NEW WEAVE, in the cuff, for all who’ve learned from me. The clasp is also on the top of the cuff which makes it much easier to get in and off. This is also a different way to set a cabochon then normal. The great thing about learning this way is you can pause the videos and watch them as many times as you like. Finish for the day and pick it up again a few days later. There's no time limit to the videos. You'll receive your instructions in a .pdf file well before the video class. That’s why this is such a great learning platform. As usual, I’m always available if you have questions or need help.
The video release date will be September 20 @10am....you can watch them anytime. You can order the kit anytime and watch the videos anytime after that date. The group chats with each other in the group. and don't forget to post you're finished pieces! The kit alone would normally be $65 due to the amount of wire and size of the tutorial.pdf file.
Not to worry, I make sure everyone is in the room well before the class goes up so being a computer genius is NOT necessary. (I'm not!)
You can still do my first coarse by ordering the TOGETHER KIT - FROM MY WEBSITE - THE VIDEOS ARE LIVE NOW - GO TO “KITS“ TO ORDER
THE PRICE FOR THE FULL KIT (including all video tutorials for both projects & weave tutorial) - $75.00 + shipping GO TO “KITS” TO ORDER
PRICE FOR JUST THE BRACELET KIT - (INCLUDING KIT CLUB MEMBERS) (including video tutorials for just the cuff & weave tutorial) - $65.00 + shipping GO TO “KITS” TO ORDER. You can also add in a Swarovski package of 12 round 4mm crystals that will match your gemstone for only $2.50. If you want to add some colour to your project. You’ll find a few Swarovski options when you check out. Either 1 colour, 2 colours or 3 colours, I’ll pick the crystals unless you have a specific colour choice you’d like me to add. (Just tell me in the note section of checkout)
Without further ado......here it is....The CONNECTED CUFF AND THE CONNECTED CUFF WITH RING!


Shipping will be $3 in Canada and $5 in the USA
Message me with any questions!
thanks all
Welcome Erin!! Just in time for this months Kit release! Chat soon!
I am *so* in! (and joined the Kit Club <g>)
I know who you are Suzanne! Lol and Sheila, yes like the slave rings! Or you can just make it a separate ring, your choice!
I already ordered but didn’t put the words kit club member with the ring stone lol
I’m so pleased everyone likes it. I don’t do a lot of cuffs so I thought I’d surprise you all. It’s also a different way to set a stone