I know we’re all really missing our families this weekend. Just hugging a loved one can make the world seem alright. Please resist and keep the social distancing going. Believe me I miss my parents dearly.
So I’ve added a new “FREE” tutorial keep you busy. Go to free .pdf tutorials under the “Supplies” category on my website. The red icons are what you click on to get the free tutorial. (Not the picture and info about the tutorial!)
I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has joined the PAID kit club! I thank for supporting an artist and small business owner.
I‘m in the process of getting some video weave tutorials going plus there will be some video tutorials for “PAID KIT CLUB” members only. Lots of perks to being a member.
All gold members will receive this Celtic
dragon kit as there 6th kit.

This week's sale is 15% off of copper wire until Friday April 17, 2020. Use coupon code COPPER15
Have a safe and happy holiday all! Away from family this weekend, join the conversations on the blogs!
Tell us what you're working on. Show us your entry for the "Spring has Sprung" completion, even though I got snow overnight!!!
Happy creating all!